Driving the future
of sustainable energy
We are rapidly evolving to a greener economy and you can be a part of this change.
Do you want to join our sustainability journey? We can enable you to find the best solutions
for your business and for our future. Together we can fight climate change, containing global warming.
Electrification will play a key role in the transition to a decarbonized world.
The Green Hydrogen is the ideal complement to unleash this change.
A great ally for decarbonizing hard to abate sectors. Hydrogen, to be green,
needs to be fed by 100% renewable power.
- 1 1m3 at STP of hydrogen contains the same energy of 0,37 liters of gasoline.
- 2 Hydrogen is an energy carrier because in nature it is always bound to other element.
- 3 Its quality and sustainability come from how it is produced.
- 4 Hydrogen, to be green, needs to be fed by 100% renewable energy.
1kg of H2
contains 33,3 kWh of energy
11 m3
at standard conditions of 0°C
and 1 atm (STP)
Green Hydrogen:
the only way
for a sustainable
H2 production direct CO2 emissions:
Grey Hydrogen 8,7 kgCO2/kgH2
Grey hydrogen produced by fossil fuels via carbon intensive processes (currently 98% of global production)
Blue Hydrogen 2,1 kgCO2/kgH2
Grey hydrogen whose CO2 is sequestered via carbon capture and storage (CCS)
Green Hydrogen 0 CO2 emissions
Zero-emission hydrogen produced by renewable energy: the only way to sustainability
Why Green Hydrogen
CO2 Cost
Main Support Drivers
Not impacted
by carbon pricing
Long term
Main Support Drivers
Strongly supported
by governments
energy strategies
Main Support Drivers
Benefits from
the great growth
potential on the
learning curve
Our partnership revolves on you
Local market
condition analysis
- Regulatory Framework
Market Conditions.
Grid Code. Prices - Permitting
Available Project
Business model
- Project solution identification
- Ownership Structure definition
Hydrogen project
- Renewable Plant
- Water availability
- CAPEX/OPEX structure
- Production costs
- Funds
- Hydrogen Purchase Agreement (HPA)
Different solutions for your needs
- A Stand-alone hydrogen system at offtaker facility Learn more
- B Hybrid hydrogen system at offtaker facility Learn more
- C Co-located hydrogen system at EGP plant Learn more